A unique place to call home





Rock Creek集装箱之家在年初由Kyle Decot和Mike Grant掌舵. 该公司目前的项目已经引起了镇子内外的一些关注.

从县线路(County Line Road)向外俯瞰库里街(Curry)和米勒街(Miller)交汇处的小山上,将建造一座用集装箱建造的房屋, which are much different than semitrailers.

房屋将有三个集装箱高,三个集装箱宽. 另外三个马蹄形的集装箱将有助于创建附近的独立车库, which will be completed with steel trusses, a cement floor and a roof.


Late last week, 其中6个集装箱——一个用于40英尺乘56英尺的车库,另一个用于大约2英尺的地下室,900平方英尺的房子——在马克尔的史密斯建筑公司的帮助下,被安置在现成的地基上. The work took about two hours to complete, 整个上午都有几个过路人停下来观看.


德科特表示,最初的目标是在2020年底之前完成该项目,但在看到它的进展之后, 他们的新目标是在年底前展示房子的内部装饰.

他们把它建成一个可供出售的样房,但在“炒作”平息后,德科特可能会搬进去, he said.

这家公司是在两人谈论一起为Decot建造一个家之后成立的. Decot wanted to build a barn house out in the country, 但格兰特看中县际路上的这座小山上的小屋已经有一段时间了.


Once they decided to build the home together, they went to St. Louis to see what one looks like. 他们还与多家从事这项工作的公司的人进行了交谈,格兰特说他们在分享技巧方面都很有帮助, ideas on what worked and what didn’t, and any hurdles they faced.

Instead of viewing them as competition, 格兰特说,他们很高兴又有一家公司对这项工作感兴趣.

当格兰特和德科特买下山上的那处房产时,他们的决心就更加坚定了. 项目的另一个重要部分是确保融资继续推进.

格兰特说,他们使用的银行是该地区唯一一家为谷仓房屋提供融资的银行,所以他们扩大了融资范围,包括集装箱房屋. 他说,这可能有助于未来的生意,因为其他人也可以为这样的住房融资.

如果他们要建一个集装箱房屋,他们决定应该开一家公司. And they want to make a statement.

Grant said the house will be visible in town, 因为它不仅建在山上,而且很高,有一个螺旋楼梯,上面有一个旗杆.

This may be the only one or they may build more. It depends on how the project goes.

Decot, who has a background in fabrication and owns a car body shop, said if they make and sell one other house like this, 他会很高兴他做了别人也想做的事.

Decot said he likes art and doesn’t like “cookie-cutter houses.” He likes houses that people think are cool when they drive by. 他希望每件事都与众不同,从他开的车到他住的房子.

“I just have my own little spin on creativity,” he said. “当我看东西的时候,你可能看到的是垃圾,而我看到的是艺术品.”

它可能是由集装箱制成的,但内部将像任何其他家庭一样. Once it’s done, 德科特说,人们真的必须寻找集装箱,才能在房屋的形状中看到它们, 这将包括多个有盖的户外空间和一个楔形屋顶.

Since word got out about the project and the company, 格兰特说他现在一直接到来自全国各地的电话. There’s been a lot of interest and they’ve fielded a lot of questions; although it’s not new, it’s very different for the area, Grant said.

A day before the containers were placed, 他说,他接到了西弗吉尼亚州一位女士的电话,她在俄亥俄州买了23英亩的土地,想建一栋类似的房子.

这位女士说,她和马克尔很亲近,认为这件衣服足够整洁,可以复制. 格兰特告诉她装修好后来看看,这样她就能看看房子的样子和感觉.

他说,他不希望有人花了钱,然后意识到他们不喜欢它,或者它不像他们想象的那样. It’s not a traditional home.

“Some of these people I just have to tell them, ‘Hey, I would love to help you but we’re just two guys in Markle, Ind. We just can’t do it,’” Grant said.

他们不仅可以建造集装箱房屋,还可以从事定制项目. A project earlier this year was a 20-foot-long, 客户希望能够在节日期间出售商品的混合用途单元. They also offer mobile welding services.

人们还从他们那里买了集装箱来储存. For delivery within a 30-mile radius of Markle, the prices range from $2,600 to $2,800 depending on the container’s size. They sell containers that are both 20-feet and 40-feet long.

“They’re actually readily available. It’s just having the equipment to haul it,” Grant said of the containers, 此外,他们还买了一辆卡车,并定制了一辆拖车来搬运这些设备.

格兰特和德科特尽可能地使用当地公司来完成他们的项目. 从泥土和混凝土工作到起重机的安置和房屋建设, all are local contractors. 


“We’re a small company in a small town,” he said, “and we want to make sure what we do benefits everyone.”

Decot said he wants to spread the pie around.

“如果我能利用我最好的朋友和他们的生意成功,” Decot said, “I don’t see how you can lose.”

Story and photos by Jessica Bricker; Courtesy of the News-Banner

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